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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Walking for A Cure For Lupus

Yes, I did it again! Released the keyboard for another GREAT cause! This time it was for my beloved sisterfriend Gina Parks, who organized the G-Team to help raise sorely needed funds to be used in seeking a cure for LUPUS. We all had a fabulous time decorating and tying our purple T's in ways that showed our creativity before we started on the trek around Piedmont Park. Participating in the festive gala gave me a sense of giving back, which all of us need to do and feel as regularly as we can. And it was a heartwarming surprise to reconnect with beloved friends I don't see often! I even had the pleasure of reuniting with Janice Reaves, a dear high school classmate, who traveled to the city from Tuskegee, Alabama, to walk in remembrance of her classy mother!

Living a Golden Life,

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